Maximize the positive economic impact of a sustainable tourism industry that enhances the quality of life on Amelia Island.


Inspire targeted travelers to come make memories on Amelia Island, and to share their experiences.


  • Protect natural, historic, and economic resources
  • Cultivate collaboration - and be open to acting on inspiration
  • Stay ready and willing to evolve with disruptive technologies
  • Continually experience the community through visitors’ eyes
  • Take responsible risks to improve performance
  • Expect excellence as a standard, not as an exception
  • Focus on outcomes, solutions, and achievements


Generate visitation to Amelia Island and its attractions/special events, thereby increasing tax revenues, including sales tax revenues and those imposed on the hospitality industry. In turn, those tax revenues may be used to improve the quality of life for the citizens of the community, provide the support necessary for beach re-nourishment, and ensure a viable hospitality industry.